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Creates a scatter plot of just the sequences in common between two samples.


commonSeqsPlot(sample1, sample2, amino_table, show = "common")



A name of a repertoire_id in a list of data frames generated by the LymphoSeq2 function productiveSeq().


A name of a repertoire_id in a list of data frames generated by the LymphoSeq function productiveSeq().


A tibble of productive amino acid sequences produced by the function productiveSeq() containing the samples to be compared.


A character vector specifying whether only the common sequences should be shown or all sequences. Available options are "common" or "all".


Returns a frequency scatter plot of two samples showing only the shared sequences.


The plot is made using the package ggplot2 and can be reformatted using ggplot2 functions. See examples below.

See also

An excellent resource for examples on how to reformat a ggplot can be found in the R Graphics Cookbook online (

productiveSeq(), commonSeqs(), commonSeqsVenn(), commonSeqsBar()


file_path <- system.file("extdata", "TCRB_sequencing", package = "LymphoSeq2")
study_table <- readImmunoSeq(path = file_path, threads = 1)
study_table <- LymphoSeq2::topSeqs(study_table, top = 100)
amino_table <- productiveSeq(study_table = study_table, aggregate = "junction_aa")
commonSeqsPlot("TRB_Unsorted_32", "TRB_Unsorted_83",
  amino_table = amino_table

# Change the X and Y axis to log-10 scale
commonSeqsPlot("TRB_Unsorted_32", "TRB_Unsorted_83",
  amino_table = amino_table
) +
  ggplot2::scale_x_log10() +
  ggplot2::scale_y_log10() +
  ggplot2::annotation_logticks(sides = "bl")